Friday, May 31, 2013

We have beautiful wood gutters.

Gutters being installed. Lead paint trim being scraped. Columns on the sun room in place. We have a tub.

Inside of fir gutters being treated.
Soffits above sun room scraped for repainting.

More paint scraping.

New portico base  

Gorgeous columns on the sun room.

Stunning fir gutters above soffits in the new addition.

The same. I never thought I would love gutters so much.

Base of the portico from the inside.

Guest bathtub. Gorgeous.


  1. "Guest bathroom"? Unnecessarily generic characterization. I'll assume you meant something much more specific in my general direction.

    Love the gutters and columns

  2. Obviously. it's the Paturel/Scaduto tub. Duh.
