Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Toting Boxes, Building Walls

Since there's going to be a lot of back and forth between the house that is on the market and The Dump, it seemed silly to arrive there with an empty car. Boxes! We have packed boxes! Let's start to move.
For storage

Martini glasses at all locations

Steve decides he has to build a wall because it is 20 degrees out and the wind is whipping through the lovely plastic at the end of the living room.

He is multi-talented. (Is that word hyphenated? Someone please enlighten me. Thanks.)


  1. Steve cracks me up (is he closing off the door so you don't see the kitchen when you walk in??)

  2. That's the doorway to the sun porch. He did it for security and warmth. It was SO cold that day I sat in the car and read the Times.

  3. Classic you....and you can do whatever you want with "multitalented" (or did you need the answer right then for the Times crossword puzzle?)

  4. I knew I could count on you, Scadutes.
